Order of "Glory" (Armenia)

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Order of Glory
Armenian: Պատվո Շքանշան
Orden Slavy (Armeniia).png
Order of Glory
Awarded by Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Type Order of chivalry
EstablishedDesember 22, 2010
Next (higher) National Hero of Armenia
Next (lower)Tigran Mets Order
Ribbon bar of Order of Glory.png
Ribbon bar

The Order of Victory, the 2010 State Award of the Republic of Armenia, was created and signed by the President of the Republic of Armenia on January 11, 2011. With the "Bord of Honor" law, which came into force on January 29 (the law expired on August 9, 2014). According to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On State Awards and Honorary Titles of the Republic of Armenia", which came into force on the same day, August 9. As a result of changes in legislation, the status of the medal, the list of awardees and the order of wearing it remained unchanged. [1]


Award status

The Order of Victory is awarded for significant contributions to the strengthening and development of interstate relations, peace and international security, the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the development of economic relations, and the protection of moral and cultural values.

According to paragraph 16 of Article 55 of the Constitution of Armenia, the medal is awarded by the President of the Republic of Armenia. The President issues an order regarding the reward. [2]

AR Order of Glory The Order of Glory - State Awards in the Republic of Armenia.jpg
AR Order of Glory

Determined reward method

Foreign heads of state and government, heads of international organizations, spiritual leaders (religious figures) are awarded with this decoration.

According to the law adopted in 2011, there was no established procedure for awarding the Order of Glory.

As of August 9, 2014, the President will be able to award medals both on his personal initiative and in line with the petitions of the authorities regarding the award. Decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia dated September 16, 2014 No. NH-396-N "On Regulation of Relations with State Awards and Titles of Honor of the Republic of Armenia", the exclusive right of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia to apply for the Order of Glory of the Republic of Armenia. [3]

Dressing procedure

The Medal of Honor is worn from right to left on a ribbon that extends from the right shoulder to the left hip.

Description of the medal

Description and sample of the medal, sample of the certificate, description and sample of the medal plaque are approved by the President of the Republic of Armenia.

The definition of the Order of Honor of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014 was determined by the decree dated September 16. The medal of honor is made of 925 sterling silver alloy with a diameter of 97 mm. It is a convex isosceles pentagon and all its rays are convex towards the center. The wings of the five-pointed star are covered with small pyramidal elements, and in the space between them there are ray-shaped figures. In the center of the medal is a circular platform covered with a tricolor coat of arms depicting the coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia. The edges of the coat of arms are surrounded by laurel leaves, and the area between the coat of arms and the laurel wreath is covered with white enamel. The medal is plated with 999 gold. The medal is numbered on the back. There is a special fastener in the middle of the back of the medal to attach it to the ribbon. The band is dark red, width: 110 mm. The bar of the medal is made of sheet metal measuring 25 mm x 10 mm. The rod is dark red, a rectangular base with an eight-pointed star is fixed in the center.

Reward statistics

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  1. "About the Order of Glory of Armenia". President.am.